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Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420 Roadster

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  • Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420

  • 485Mbe4001
    07-10 07:43 PM
    it is the uncertainty and the the inability to take long term decisions which are a problem (most issues are well documented) besides i might love my job but in todays environment a company's reciprocation could be fickle and can easily change with a downturn:p.

    anyways my pet peeve is that people come here with brillant ideas and when the time comes to do something most of the backers melt away. Some are active for a short period of time and then give up, some read the forums and feel that its a waste. I say this because we meet people, these days most immigrats know about IV.

    Just for curiosity: If you love your job and content with your current position, then what is the problem in waiting?

    wallpaper Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420 Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420 Roadster. V8 Vantage N400 Roadster,
  • V8 Vantage N400 Roadster,

  • Goodintentions
    04-14 12:02 PM
    The aim of this appeal is not to compare or compete with EB1, PhDs, US MS degree holders or discuss other exotic bills!

    There are several hundred EB2 / EB3 folks who have continued to live here for several years (many have crossed 10 years). They are stuck in the infinitely long GC line, for no fault of theirs. It is natural that people who have stayed for long have grown up children (who are not US born) and who need to go to a good college for a good future.

    It is almost impossible to pay international fees and it is neither fair no appropriate to break the back of genuine law abiding residents, despite the fact that they have lived for
    8 / 10 years and have sincerely paid the taxes due to the government, just because they do not have a GC.

    For the "sin" of being Indian/ Chinese born and for the "sin" of not being able to get the GC because the rules favour long term indentured labour, an entire upcoming yonger generation should not be allowed to suffer. This is unfair and discriminatory. If any one of us had been from a country other than India and China, we would have obtained out GCs in 3 / 4 years.

    The idea is to have the cases of all genuine, hard working, EB2 / EB3 employees who have honestly lived here and are continuing to process the path ot GC legally, be considered from the human angle, more so from the point of view of the education of the children.

    When it comes to illegals, people scream about human values, humanitarian considerations, education of their children, family ties etc etc. What about us, who have followed the rules "to the T" ????

    Is following the rules, going through the approval complex web of approval processes, paying taxes and trying to lead sedate and simple lives a sin?

    Are we not human beings? May be we are labelled "aliens" but we are certainly not from Mars!

    So friends, let us be clear in where we stand and what we are pleading for.

    Unless we have the conviction and clarity we cannot make any progess!

    Long live the unity of EB 2 / EB3 employees!

    May the SUPREME POWER bless IV and the genuine forum members!

    Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420 Roadster. Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420
  • Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420

  • MerciesOfInjustices
    12-20 07:40 AM
    Great solid show - anurakt, paskal and of course, pappu! And, everybody else as well!
    Just had chance to look up the Forum, in the midst of a major move, and I am impressed!
    Our strength is our motivation & our resolve to never, ever give up!
    Just sent a modest contribution $100, will be pitching in more!
    Let us collect the war chest for the upcoming battles!

    2011 V8 Vantage N400 Roadster, Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420 Roadster. 2011 Aston Martin V8 Vantage
  • 2011 Aston Martin V8 Vantage

  • akhilmahajan
    06-20 09:56 AM
    I just spoke to Indian consulate, NYC. The procedure to correct the last name is very simple. All you need is an Affidavit from the person (Signed in US, saying that you are correcting your name.), 4 photos and a copy of 797 or Visa. No need of advertizements, or Indian affidavit.

    Please note, this is applicable only if,

    In your passport Surname is Blank

    Given name has <first name><last Name> (and all spelling etc are correct)

    and you want it to be corrected to

    Surname <last Name>

    Given Name <First Name>

    They will issue a new booklet with corrected name. It's same day service in NYC.

    Sent you a PM, can you reply back.


    Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420 Roadster. Picture 2011 Aston Martin V8
  • Picture 2011 Aston Martin V8

  • english_august
    07-05 12:11 AM
    Hey Friends -

    We need to keep a track of the number of flowers being sent. So if you are sending flowers, then make sure that you respond appropriately to the poll in this thread. It is very difficult to go through all the posts individually to figure out the total count.

    Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420 Roadster. Photo from:Aston Martin V8
  • Photo from:Aston Martin V8

  • mariusp
    07-17 07:05 PM
    THANK YOU! IV has really made a difference in our lives!


    Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420 Roadster. Aston Martin Vantage N420
  • Aston Martin Vantage N420

  • ilikekilo
    02-26 10:06 PM
    take it easy, I totally understand what u r saying, but calm down..thanks

    2010 Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420 Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420 Roadster. Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420
  • Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420

  • diptam
    09-07 10:45 PM
    "75% people have undergrad degree" - How many straight drinks i need to take to Digest this statistics ?? Did you re-engineered this stat:D

    "Undergrad Degree" in S/T/Engg/Math - Could you tell me % and then i'll explain why you need to turn on to Macaca's....

    Say Hi to your friend Lou Dobbs/Ron Hira and tell him that craps dont work everywhere.

    Isn�t it odd that the timing of your rally coincides with the introduction of the Strive act? % of Granted you scored a point when you were allowed to file for employment authorization this July. If your one rally worked, do you really think other rallies will work too? The world of politics is driven by numbers; you do not have enough numbers to get any lawmaker interested. So wake up Macacas, admit it, you all are bunch of losers.

    So far as the skills are concerned, you have been harping on the theme that you are highly skilled? If the definition of highly skilled is a mere undergrad degrees then 75% of Adult Americans are highly skilled. I bet not even 5% of you have PHDs and you call yourself highly skilled. Huhhh

    And this for the leadership of your organization: You are wasting your time. If you are so desperate to get green cards contact me. We will see what we can do� One thing I believe though is this country needs people with leadership skills and not so called "Highly Skilled". So I will be more than happy to work with you. I am sure you have my e-mail address. At the least, I can help make the process faster for you, if so called visa numbers are available.


    Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420 Roadster. 2010 Aston Martin V8 Vantage
  • 2010 Aston Martin V8 Vantage

  • kpchal2
    08-18 02:22 PM
    hi jsb
    can you please check your pm and let me know your thoughts.

    hair 2011 Aston Martin V8 Vantage Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420 Roadster. 2010 Aston Martin V8 Vantage
  • 2010 Aston Martin V8 Vantage

  • maco
    08-09 09:28 PM
    On the same note I have a question for the Gurus.

    My name is reversed ( first name and last name interchanged) on my SSN and hence on my credit cards, employment letters etc though my name is correct on my passport , H1 , I-797 and on files AOS.. etc.

    Will this pose a problem in the name check process?

    My attorney said I should change my name with SSN after EAD/AP arrives.

    Let me know ur opinions.


    you should have changed them at very first instance
    better you be in attorneys foot steps


    Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420 Roadster. Aston Martin N420 Roadster 12
  • Aston Martin N420 Roadster 12

  • RandyK
    12-03 11:55 AM
    We are at $ 3050.00 now

    hot Picture 2011 Aston Martin V8 Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420 Roadster. Aston Martin N420 Roadster 9
  • Aston Martin N420 Roadster 9

  • addsf345
    05-11 05:42 PM
    Guys, please stop pointing each other on past issues. Please work together to fix the broken system. Past is past. When you get angry, I know it jumps you to hate all negative objects. Nothing we can get out of it. Please. Lets be united to fix things. Blaming will not fix anything instead it pulls legs of each other and finally set backs.

    You are right. We need to stop ppl like "Number30" who wants to ignite fight among us and keep on laughing on our misery. He makes stupid allegation that 60% of those who filed in july 2007 are subs. He disappears and never replies when you ask for proof. I don't know from where he is getting these ideas. Lets ignore "Number30" who keeps popping up with vested interest, claiming to have become US citizen.

    Lets forget past. We can not change past, accept it. Get over it. I mean GET OVER IT. Lets not fight on eb2/3 or anything else. Lets follow IV core and try to work towards a fair system. If H1B hiring is not country based, why should EB immigration???? Why should I be punished for being born in India? or in china, Mexico or Philippines for that matter?


    house ASTON MARTIN V8 Vantage N420 Roadster 2010 - Present Photo Gallery - Image 6 Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420 Roadster. 2011 Aston Martin V8 Vantage
  • 2011 Aston Martin V8 Vantage

  • hpandey
    11-11 03:02 PM
    And as I said before knowing about child abuse and not notifying the cops is a bigger crime than hiring an illegal alien . In this case the child depends upon you for protection and you know about the abuse but you are considering whether to notify the cops or not !

    This can come back on you itself in case someone else notifies the police ( your friend maybe ? ) The Department of Social Services is very strict in this country and I believe your child is a US citizen considering that he is only 8 months old ( most probably ).

    How can you think of not getting justice for your child who cannot defend himself and not get justice himself. If he could speak believe me he would want to see the nanny in prison.

    tattoo Photo from:Aston Martin V8 Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420 Roadster. Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420
  • Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420

  • Still Waiting
    07-17 07:33 PM
    :) :) :) Thank you all, this has been a trying time for all of us. I guess God is on our side. Thanks again to the IV Core.:) :) :) :) :)


    pictures Aston Martin Vantage N420 Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420 Roadster. 2009 Aston Martin V8 Vantage
  • 2009 Aston Martin V8 Vantage

  • trueguy
    08-21 04:37 PM
    If the news is correct then it means no visa waste this year.......

    dresses Aston Martin N420 Roadster 9 Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420 Roadster. ASTON MARTIN V8 Vantage N420 Roadster 2010 - Present Photo Gallery - Image 1
  • ASTON MARTIN V8 Vantage N420 Roadster 2010 - Present Photo Gallery - Image 1

  • santb1975
    12-04 02:01 PM
    without $$$$


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  • ASTON MARTIN V8 Vantage N420 Roadster 2010 - Present Photo Gallery - Image 6

  • realizeit
    02-25 12:58 PM
    Dear QASleuth, I have contacted Pappu and asked him to discuss this among CORE and provide us an official IV position. Once we hear back from Pappu or CORE, we can proceed further.

    Regarding what I am planning to do: If we get IV CORE's support, I will try to organize a group from St Louis MO to work on this. But we need an excellent bunch of folks from the DC/NY area who can actually meet folks at the capital and get the ball rolling. All others who are far away from DC/NY area can form small regional groups to raise funds to support the DC/NY group which will drive this effort.

    We should do something only after IV CORE's analysis of this issue and a legal feasibility study by immigration/constitutional attorneys IV can access.

    QASleuth and others who would like to do something: Please don't wait for any action from my side. You can form regional working groups now itself. Just form members of 5 and discuss this and stay in touch.

    I am new to this whole effort as anyone else here.

    Once again friends, as I said earlier: "We have far more things that unite all of us than the few things that divide us. So, let us focus only those things that unite all of us."

    So, please refrain yourself from pointing fingers at someone else and attacking someone personally.

    I am hoping realizeit is in the process of contacting IV core and will update us soon. If not, realizeit please update as to what you are planning on doing.

    After IV core gives us the go ahead, I think we should take your offer on the bridge call.

    I would also suggest, not sending any mails yet to Ombudsman till we form a plan of action.

    Ofcourse, still eagerly waiting for desi3933 to get back to us with cold hard analysis to set us straight :)

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  • ASTON MARTIN V8 Vantage N420 Roadster 2010 - Present Photo Gallery - Image

  • insbaby
    11-11 05:02 PM
    Do you want to let a illegal nanny dictate your situation? Your unfortunate situation because you hired a illegal nanny which resulted in your child get beaten up further mess you?

    Thats what happening here...

    hairstyles Aston Martin N420 Roadster 12 Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420 Roadster. Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420
  • Aston Martin V8 Vantage N420

  • jamesbond007
    11-11 05:39 PM
    Go to the authorities and report her.
    H1 is a temporary situation. Your family is permanent. Protect your family.

    Do not let the fear of social services coming to check on you from stopping to do the right thing. They have a job to do; they will not take away a child unless they really believe that the child is not being cared for. They do not want to add to the strain of foster care system which is already under stress.

    Law enforcement agencies also monitor sites like IV, Rajiv Khanna etc. And they can get a subpoena against IV to get your information if they suspect that a crime has taken place.

    Everyone: please please ... You should not only check for the cleanliness and background of the staff (and facility) who take care of your kid. Also make sure that their way of taking care of your kid meets your expectation. Do not make any assumptions. Ask pointed questions and get certain answers.

    Also... I feel that there is more to the story than what the OP has said in his one and only posting.
    I think he/she already went past the point to think "what will happen to me" when they hired someone knowing that she was not legally eligible to work/provide that service.
    If not them reporting that nanny, her next victim will report her. I strongly believe that, if she is used to that way of raising a kid, she will hit other kids in the future. And they will be exposed at that point when the authorities grill her to spill the beans on her previous employers.

    I am also afraid that the OP might take matters into his/her own by making an emotional decision; and that would put him in hot water.

    chanduv: I read your post about how you hired a nanny based on your parent's monitoring her behaviour around your kid when they were visiting you. I hope that was not the only criteria for you to choose her. Keep in mind that a person's behaviour when they are alone speaks of their true nature. They can behave nice and good when they have company; but do they continue to be the same when there is no adult around them?
    Definitely install a nanny cam that you/yourwife can keep checking from work.

    Sorry if I sound like I am picking on you Chandu. But when I read your post, I felt that there might be other families who have done the same thing as you did.

    02-04 11:26 PM
    Hi longq,

    Not sure why you are still fighting this. I am sure law-makers are aware of the way USCIS implements the law and they don't seem to have any objections.

    From the 2006 "CRS Report for Congress" on "U.S. Immigration Policy on Permanent Admissions"

    Prior to FY2001, employment-based preference immigrants were also held to percountry ceilings. The American Competitiveness in the Twenty-First Century Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-313) enabled the per-country ceilings for employment-based immigrants to be surpassed for individual countries that are oversubscribed as long as visas are available within the worldwide limit for employment-based preferences.

    It might actually be counterproductive as you might inflect negative sentiments against increasing overall EB-immigration level demanding improportional increase for 'top immigrant-sending countries'.

    As the State Department describes, the per-country level �is not an entitlement but a barrier against monopolization.�

    Please try to read law carefully. The law will not have simple terms as you think. They have to draft the law in the language of the act. Any way the meaning is same.

    The law explicitly say that the 7% country limit does not apply to the EB1, EB2, EB3, EB4, EB5 catagories, if excess visas available in those catagories.

    Exactly, but because EB3 is oversubscribed, no 'excess visas' are available for oversubscribed countries. (But we had this discussion before, though).

    07-17 07:04 PM
    Just Made A Contribution $100: -- 7m453434km946341h. Will Do More..later..